No impact on storage spaces for your terraces or other amenity spaces.

Super Lightweight Davits: Simple and Easy Building Access

Our super lightweight davits are designed to make building maintenance easier. They're light enough to move around your building's spaces without causing problems for people living or working there. You won't have to worry about storing big, heavy equipment anymore. These davits are a simple solution for getting to hard-to-reach places on your building.

  • Easy to Move: These davits are light and easy to move around. You can get them where you need them quickly.

  • Saves Space: You don't need a lot of storage space for these davits. They won't take up valuable room on your terraces or other areas.

With just one set of our super lightweight davits, you can reach all parts of your building. They're a great way to make maintenance work simple and efficient. Our davits are designed to be practical and easy to use, making your job easier.