Code Compliance for NY State Clients
Important NYSDOL deadline regarding your window cleaning equipment:
Are you in compliance or are you operating illegally?
AS101 Certification
As you may not be aware, your permanent façade access equipment (window cleaning scaffold) is most likely on the NYSDOL’s deadline list of for re-certification by December 31st, 2016 and we can help. Have us come by for a free pre-inspection visit to assess the status of your window washing equipment, review documentation and if necessary obtain your current NYSDOL approval documentation from Albany at no charge.
Failure to comply can result in immediate stop order or even the revocation of your Approval by New York State.
A pre-inspection takes less than an hour and we will review all steps needed to obtain an extension and recertification of your equipment. As well as provide you with a proposal for the NYSDOL Certification by an NYSDOL Certified Engineer. We work with NYSDOL Certified Engineer Blaise Thomas PE former head of the Engineering Services Unit.
NY State Code Compliance Experts
New York State is the most regulated market in the United States for window cleaning operations. It is no coincidence that New York also enjoys an excellent safety record. As an owner/manager in New York, it is imperative to have a consultant who is expert in the rules and regulations necessary to maintain compliance with Code Rule 21 and Advisory Standard 101. Global BMU is that expert.
We maintain offices in Manhattan and Albany, and our expertise in navigating the New York State Department of Labor protocols is second to none.
The new Amendment to AS101, will make it necessary to have your current equipment re-certified by an approved PE in order to maintain your approval. If you are unsure of your specific obligation, please contact us and we will be happy to advise you based on your current approval date.